faq.tpl 1.88 KB
{include file="tpl/header.tpl"}

<div id="wrapper">
	{include file="tpl/admin_sidebar_wrapper.tpl"}
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	<div id="container2">
		<h1 id="container2-header">Slimspots Wiki - FAQ</h1>

	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-lg-12">
			<div class="panel panel-default">
				<div class="panel-heading">FAQ</div>
				<div class="panel-body">
					<h5>1. Creating a new page/section</h5>
					<p>To create a new page/section you have to click on Create in the sidebar menu. The process itself is self-explanatory:</p>
						<li>Choose what element you want to create (page or section);</li>
						<li>Choose the new element's title;</li>
						<li>Click the "Submit" button.</li>
					Once you're done creating the new page/section, you can edit it and give it a new title if needed, text etc.
					<h5>2. Editing a page/section</h5>
					<p>To edit an already existing page/section you have to click on Edit in the sidebar menu. Once the page is loaded you have to follow these steps:</p>
						<li>Choose what element you want to edit (page or section);</li>
						<li>Choose the specific element you want to edit (the search field is your friend!);</li>
						<li>Give it a new title if needed;</li>
						<li>Type the new text using Markdown Extra (cheat sheet shown below);</li>
						<li>Click the "Submit" button.</li>

					<h5>3. Removing a page/section</h5>
					<p>To remove a specific page/section you have to click on Remove in the sidebar menu. The process is fairly easy:</p>
						<li>Choose what element you want to remove (page or section);</li>
						<li>Choose the specific element you want to remove (the search field is your friend!);</li>
						<li>Click the "Submit" button.</li>
	<!-- /#page-content-wrapper -->
<!-- /#wrapper -->

{include file="tpl/footer.tpl"}