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<?php $db = new SQLite3('wiki.db'); ?>

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    <title>Slimspots Wiki</title>

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				$page = $db->query("SELECT * FROM page");
                $num_pages = count($page);
				for ($i=0;$i<$num_pages;$i++)

					while ($row = $page->fetchArray()) 
						echo "<li class='has-sub'><a href='#'>".$row[1]."<i class='fa fa-chevron-right fa pull-right chevron-margin' id='valign-icon'></i></a>";
		                echo "<ul>";
		                $sections = $db->query("SELECT * FROM section WHERE page_id = $row[0]"); //$row[0]:  page -> id
		                for ($j=0; $j<count($sections); $j++)
								while ($row1 = $sections->fetchArray())
								echo "<li><a href='?".$row[0]."#".$row1[0]."' class='sub-text-padding'>".$row1[2]."</a></li>";
						echo "</ul></li>";
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			if (strpos($url, '?') === false)
				$current_page = explode ('?', $url);

			$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM page WHERE id = $current_page");
			while ($row = $query->fetchArray())
			$page_title = $row[1];
			<div id="container2">
				<h1 id="container2-header">Slimspots Wiki</h1>
				<h2><?php echo $row[1]; ?></h2><hr>
				<p><?php echo $row[2]; ?></p>  
				<div class="all-chapters">
					$section = $db->query("SELECT * FROM section WHERE page_id = $current_page");
					for ($i=0; $i<count($section); $i++)
						while ($row1 = $section->fetchArray())
							$section_id = $row1[0];
							$section_title = $row1[2];
							$section_text = $row1[3];
							$section_subsections = $row1[4];
							echo "<h3 id='".$section_id."'>".$section_id.". ".$section_title."</h3><hr>";
							echo "<p class='margin-bottom-50px'>".$section_text."</p>";
							$subsection = $db->query("SELECT * FROM subsection WHERE page_id = $row[0] AND section_id = $row1[0]");
							while ($row2 = $subsection->fetchArray())
								$subsection_id = $row2[0];
								$subsection_title = $row2[3];
								$subsection_text = $row2[4];
								echo "<h3 id='".$section_id.".".$subsection_id."'>&nbsp;&nbsp;".$section_id.".".$subsection_id.". ".$subsection_title."</h3><hr>";
								echo "<p class='margin-bottom-50px'>".$subsection_text."</p>";
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			var ToC =
		"<nav role='navigation' class='table-of-contents'>" +
		"<b><?php echo $page_title; ?></b>" +

		var newLine, el, title, link;

		$("article h3").each(function() {
			el = $(this);
			title = el.text();
			link = "#" + el.attr("id");
			newLine =
			"<li>" +
			"<a href='" + link + "'>" +
			title +
			"</a>" +

			ToC += newLine;
		ToC +=
		"</ul>" +

