961 Bytes
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: aleksandarhristov
* Date: 11.02.15
* Time: 10:39
//include the smarty class and the global functions
require "libs/Smarty.class.php";
require "global_functions.php";
//initialize smarty
$smarty = new Smarty;
//get current page to determine the action about to be performed; needed to set the active id to the <li> in the sidebar menu
//assign a value to the current page variable in the admin sidebar wrapper template using the current_page() function from global_functions.php
$smarty->assign("h1", "# H1");
$smarty->assign("h2", "## H2");
$smarty->assign("h3", "### H3");
$smarty->assign("h4", "#### H4");
$smarty->assign("h5", "##### H5");
$smarty->assign("h6", "###### H6");
$smarty->assign("em", "*Text*");
$smarty->assign("bold", "**Text**");
$smarty->assign("strike", "~~Text~~");