simple-clock.js 1.29 KB
	$.fn.simpleClock = function()
		function getTime()
			var date = new Date(),
			hour = date.getHours();
			return {
				day: $L.days[calculateDay(date.getDay())],
				date: date.getDate(),
				month: $L.months[date.getMonth()],
				hour: appendZero(hour),
				minute: appendZero(date.getMinutes()),
				second: appendZero(date.getSeconds())
		// tage umrechen, da in der Languages der wochentag mit Montag beginnt und nicht mit Sonntag wie in JS benötigt
		function calculateDay(weekday)
			if(weekday == 0){
				return 6;
			return weekday - 1;
		// appendZero - If the number is less than 10, add a leading zero. 
		function appendZero(num)
			if (num < 10) {
				return "0" + num;
			return num;

		// refreshTime - Build the clock.
		function refreshTime()
			var now = getTime();
			//$('#date-container').html( + ' ' + + '. ' + now.month);
			$('#time-container').html("<span class='time-hour'>" + now.hour + "</span>" + ":<span class='time-minute'>" + now.minute + "</span>");


		// Tick tock - Run the clock.
		setInterval(refreshTime, 1000);
